As the 2014 proxy season winds down, Proxy Season Updates are wrapping up. We hope our updates on some of the biggest companies that received social or environmental shareholder proposals in 2014 helped you leverage the power of stock ownership to promote social change.
You can still download Proxy Preview 2014 to learn more about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. And #ProxyPreview will return to Twitter next year to help you stay updated on info about Proxy Preview or the proxy season.
While most of the companies we’ve highlighted have had their annual meetings and counted this year’s ballots, the issues shareholders voted on remain relevant, and many are likely to come up again next year. Take a look back through the advocacy positions and expert insights to become an ESG expert.
- Lobbying
- GMOs
- Political Spending
- Methane Accounting
- Nanomaterials in Food
- Palm Oil
- Land Grabs
- Recyclable Packaging
- Proxy Access
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Proxy Voting is Easy
- Carbon Bubble
- Data Privacy
Until next year, in health,
The Proxy Preview team