25th Anniversary


Thank you to our Sponsor, our Host Committee, and all our guests, for making As You Smash! a smashingly exuberant evening! Photos to follow — watch this space for an update and a link. Thank you all — here’s to another twenty-five years of IMPACT.

RBC      Our Children's Earth Foundation
Alternative Investment Group
Anchor Capital Advisors LLC
BMO Global Asset Management
Brandes Investment Partners
Breckinridge Capital Advisors
Fossil Free Indexes
Granite Investment Partners
Hanley Foundation
JAG Capital Management
Mother Jones
Stableford Capital
Harrington Investments, Inc.
Russell Long
Parnassus Investments
Pax World Management
Cari and David Rudd
Shugar Magic Foundation
Threshold Group
Aspiration Partners
Beneficial State Bank
DBL Partners
Marion Hunt
Impax Asset Management
Jonas Family Foundation
Nia Community Foundation
McDonnell Investment Management
Sloan & Nick Morgan
Riverbridge Partners
Safirstein Metcalf LLP
Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP
Trillium Asset Management
Walden Asset Management
Wetherby Asset Management


Lindsey Allen
Brandon Barber
Dustin Brown and Iona Campbell
Andre Carothers
Stephanie Cohn-Rupp
Michael Dorsey
Michael Green
Amanda and George Hanley
Marion Hunt
Maggie Kaplan
Justina Lai
Marianne Manilov
Sloane and Nick Morgan
Pete Myers
Lisa Renstrom
Cari Rudd
Paul Solli
Thomas Van Dyck
Francesca Vietor
Nadine Weil
Gregory Wendt
Deb Wetherby