If you own shares in a company, you have a voice. Shareholders can file proposals at companies whose shares they own, and vote on proposals they want the company to adopt. In the last 40 years, thousands of resolutions filed with companies by shareholders have broken new ground in fostering corporate policies that protect the environment, customers, and the bottom line.
Shareholder activism isn’t just for pension funds and billionaires. If you own shares, it’s simple to vote your “proxy” – the ballot containing resolutions that are up for a vote – by mail, internet, or phone. As a shareholder you can make change in companies by voting on the issues you care about, and use your influence as a shareowner to improve corporate decision-making.
As You Sow’s Proxy Voting Guidelines, produced in partnership with Proxy Impact, offers socially responsible investors a resource to align their investments with their values
Never voted your proxy before? Don’t worry, we have you covered: learn how to vote your shares.
Voting is as easy as checking a few boxes and tossing your ballot in the mail. And it matters. If you don’t vote, your broker may vote for you and against good resolutions, against your wishes.
Shareholder resolutions can create real change. Harness the Power of the Proxy to make sure your voice is heard.