Blog Archives
RELEASE: Record Number of Social and Environmental Shareholder Resolutions Filed in 2015
AS YOU SOW RELEASE – March 10, 2015 – Proxy Preview 2015, released today, covers the record-breaking 433 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change … MORE
The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs 2015
CEO pay has grown nearly 1,000% over the past four decades, far exceeding growth in median worker pay or company share prices. Our new report, The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs: Executive Compensation at S&P 500 … MORE
The S&P 500’s ‘100 most overpaid CEOs’
NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER – Feb. 18, 2015 – A new report has compiled that “100 most overpaid CEOs” in the S&P 500 and “examines the forces behind the ever-increasing CEO pay.”
The 10 Most Overpaid CEOs
PRIVATE WEALTH – Feb. 13, 2015 – A report from As You Sow analyzing the pay packages of 100 corporate CEOs found that compensation has grown nearly 1000 percent over the past four decades.
The 10 Most Overpaid CEOs Running Multi-‐Billion Dollar Companies
THE STREET – Feb. 13, 2015 – Massive CEO compensation has become a hot-button issue for investors. CEO pay packages, especially ones running deep into the eight-figure range, have a tendency to draw ire. When … MORE
100 Most Overpaid CEOs: New Report Shows Skyrocketing Executive Pay in S&P 500 Companies
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES – Feb. 13, 2015 – Ever wonder how much the top dogs make in corporate America these days? A new report released Thursday from As You Sow, a California-based non-profit foundation that … MORE
RELEASE: New Report Shines Light on the 100 Most Overpaid CEOs in S&P 500
AS YOU SOW RELEASE – February 12, 2015 – A new report from nonprofit As You Sow looks at the executive compensation packages at S&P 500 companies, highlighting the 100 most overpaid CEOs and examining … MORE
Study Finds Trends in Votes About ‘Say on Pay’
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Feb. 12, 2015 – Funds run by BlackRock Inc., TIAA-CREF and TCW Group Inc. are among the most likely to side with management in votes over corporate compensation policies, a … MORE
How Your 401K Can Help Build a Clean Energy Future
CARE2 – February 9, 2015
Maybe Wall Street Favors the Public Company as a Good Corporate Citizen
FORBES – January 8, 2015 – Shareholders, companies and capital market experts are working through just how to integrate ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance into analyst reports so that companies with strong ratings might … MORE
The Alignment Gap Between Say on Pay Voting and Creating Value
This study finds that economic value creation is not a major factor in institutional investors’ Say-on-Pay voting, nor in the recommendations of the two largest proxy advisors that counsel investors how to vote.
Hasbro – Exec Comp – 2015
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders of Hasbro urge the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Committee”) to adopt a policy requiring that senior executives retain a significant percentage of shares acquired through equity compensation … MORE
Apple – Executive Compensation – 2015
BE IT RESOLVED: That shareholders of Apple Inc. (“Apple”) urge the Compensation Committee (the “Committee”) to include in the metrics used to determine incentive compensation for Apple’s five most-highly compensated executives (“senior executives”) a metric … MORE
As You Sow Targets CEO Pay in New Campaign
IR MAGAZINE – August 22, 2014 – Shareholder advocacy group As You Sow has launched a campaign combining corporate engagement and institutional shareholder pressure to fight what it says are excessively high levels of executive … MORE
Inequality for All
Inequality for All is an award-winning documentary starring Robert Reich. Variety magazine says the film “…does for income disparity what An Inconvenient Truth did for climate change.”
How Increasing Income Inequality Is Dampening U.S. Economic Growth, And Possible Ways To Change The Tide
This report from Standard and Poor’s evaluates multiple economic studies on how income inequality is dampening economic growth.
Taking Stock: Why Executive Pay Results in an Unstable and Inequitable Economy
This report from the Roosevelt Institute argues that stock-based executive compensation undermines innovation and job creation.
Roosevelt Institute
The Roosevelt Institute is a nonprofit organization “devoted to carrying forward the legacy and values of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt by developing progressive ideas and bold leadership in the service of restoring America’s promise of … MORE
Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute
The Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi) provides the shareholder/corporate governance take on the issues.
Too Much – A Commentary on Excess and Inequality
‘Too Much’ is a weekly commentary from the Institute for Policy Studies, a 50 year old DC think tank focused on peace, justice, and the environment. Income inequality is one of many issues the Institute … MORE
High Pay Centre
High Pay Centre is an independent think tank in the UK established to monitor pay at the top of the income distribution and set out a road map towards better business and economic success.
EPI – CEO Pay Continues to Rise as Typical Workers Are Paid Less
A comprehensive study of CEO compensation at the top 350 publicly traded firms from the Economic Policy Institute.
Demos – Fast Food Failure: How CEO to Worker Pay Disparity Undermines the Industry and the Overall Economy
This report from Demos examines the relationship between high executive compensation and worker pay, focusing on the fast food sector.
Economic Policy Institute
The Economic Policy Institute provides “research and ideas for shared prosperity” and includes regular blog updates on income inequality.
Demos is a “public policy organization working for an America where we all have an equal say in our democracy and an equal chance in our economy.”
AFL-CIO Executive Paywatch
The AFL-CIO Executive Paywatch updates its website annually. The most recent topic: High Paid CEOs and the Low Wage Economy provides both fascinating graphics and stories of low-wage workers. The site lists the 100 highest … MORE
Walgreens – Executive Compensation – 2015
BE IT RESOLVED: That the shareholders of Walgreen Boots Alliance request the Board’s Compensation Committee, when setting senior executive compensation, include sustainability as one of the performance measures for senior executives under the Company’s incentive … MORE
The Walgreen Company (Walgreens) is the largest drug retailing chain in the United States As You Sow has engaged with Walgreens on issues related to executive compensation. Read more about our engagements with Walgreens below.
Fixing a Broken System
What can I do? VOTE YOUR PROXY: If you own shares directly, take the time to consider how to vote on advisory resolutions on compensation. Some institutional investors release information about their voting decision, which … MORE
FAQs about Executive Compensation
Our Executive Compensation FAQs will fill you in on the basics of CEO pay, post-crisis reforms, and help you dig deeper into the details. MORE
Proxy Preview
Proxy Preview, the report hailed by the Chicago Tribune as the “Bible for socially progressive foundations, religious groups, pension funds, and tax-exempt organizations”, provides an overview of votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Executive Compensation
Encouraging shareholders to use the power of the proxy to better control and reduce unjustified CEO pay and to create greater equity in compensation across all publicly traded US companies. MORE
Power of the Proxy
If you own shares in a company, you have a voice. Shareholders can file proposals at companies whose shares they own, and vote on proposals they want the company to adopt. In the last 40 … MORE
Proxy Preview 2014
Proxy Preview 2014 covers the record-breaking 417 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity.
Proxy Preview 2013
Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. This ninth edition of the Proxy Preview provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for 2013´s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2012
This eighth edition of the Proxy Preview provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for 2012´s most prominent issues and case studies of successful dialogues. Our team of issue experts will highlight this year´s key issues, including corporate political spending, lobbying, sexual orientation non-discrimination, board diversity, coal, fracking, supply chain transparency, extended producer responsibility, and animal welfare.
Proxy Preview 2011
Proxy Preview 2011 is the revamped seventh edition of an annual report than in 2008 the Chicago Tribune called the “bible for socially progressive foundations, religious groups, pension funds, and tax-exempt organizations.” It is a comprehensive review of the nearly 400 social and environmental resolutions that investors have filed at companies this spring. MORE
2010 Proxy Season
CORPGOV – Jul. 28, 2010 – First up was Environmental Shareowner Resolutions Gain Record Levels of Support in 2010 Proxy Season, in which Kropp interviewed Michael Passoff of As You Sow.
Proxy Preview 2010
This sixth edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
As You Sow Publishes 2010 Proxy Preview
SOCIAL FUNDS – Apr. 13, 2010 – The sixth in an annual series of publications, the 2010 Preview highlights the successes of 2009 while identifying the major issues for shareowner advocates this year.