Welcome to As You Sow’s 2014 summer newsletter! In this edition, we cover our successes pushing ExxonMobil to report on climate risk and fracking, highlight Colgate’s commitment to recyclable packaging, showcase Responsible Sourcing Network’s Cotton Sourcing Snapshot, and profile shareholder advocate and As You Sow donor Maggie Kaplan.
We also spotlight our shareholder resolutions on GMOs, discuss our work with utilities on climate change, announce a new program and staff member, and present As You Sow’s 2013 Annual Report.
Thank you for your continued support of As You Sow as we make the protection of your health and the environment a central part of corporate decision making. Please feel free to share this with your networks and connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Click here to view the print version of this newsletter as a PDF.
Thank you for your support.