Blog Archives
Paul Hodgson: Proxy Preview 2017 -‐ Shareholder resolutions in a time of Trump
Responsible Investor-March 10, 2017-As with last year’s Proxy Preview report, the release of this year’s Proxy Preview 2017 was accompanied by a webinar. The speakers were report authors Heidi Welsh from Si2 and Michael Passoff … MORE
It looks like this year will be big for investor activism
GreenBiz-March 14, 2017-Amid unprecedented uncertainty about the Trump administration’s commitment to environmental and social issues, investors are relying more heavily than ever on companies to take action on initiatives such as addressing climate change, conserving … MORE
Shareholders Ready To Fight For ‘Hard-Won Gains’
Financial Advisor-March 10, 2017-The 2017 proxy season is hopping. Shareholder activists have filed 430 resolutions with U.S. companies (compared with 370 a year ago). Although some resolutions have been challenged or withdrawn, 328 remain pending. … MORE
RELEASE: Proxy Season 2017 To Highlight Big Gaps Beween Investor Expectations and New Administration Goals
OAKLAND, CA. – March 8, 2017 – Post-Election Proxy Season Sees Big Boost in Requests on Diversity and Equal Pay But Climate Change and Corporate Political Transparency Still Top the Agenda. With a new administration … MORE
Proxy Preview 2017
Climate change proposals continue to ask about its strategic
implications and how companies will adapt to physical
changes, new regulations and new technologies. They also
address methane leaks from U.S. energy production and
encourage more carbon tracking and goal-setting, but
renewable energy proposals have been cut in half. New
climate-related resolutions ask about high-carbon asset
divestment and carbon finance risks. Other environmental
issues include antibiotic resistance in the meat supply chain,
the reduction of food waste and nanomaterials in infant
formula. MORE
Adjectives for shareholder advocates? How about strategic, impactful
GreenBiz – January 13, 2016 – I thank Bob Langert for adding to the discussion of shareholder advocacy in his recent GreenBiz article on shareholder proposals. Shareholder advocacy is a complex and nuanced undertaking, and Langert … MORE
Climate Change 2016: As Proxy Season Arrives, Shareholder Activists File Record Number Of Environmental Resolutions
International Business Times – April 7, 2016 – As major U.S. companies head into their annual shareholder meetings this spring, firms are facing a record number of proposals to curb corporate carbon emissions and prepare for the threats … MORE
Proxy Preview 2016
Proxy Preview 2016 covers social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity. The report provides analysis and expert insight to help you navigate the issues and successfully vote your shares. MORE
RELEASE: Record Number of Climate and Corporate Political Spending Resolutions Dominate 2016 Shareholder Votes
With the international climate summit recently concluded and the 2016 U.S. election process now well underway, “Paris and politics” will frame much of this year’s proxy season, according to Proxy Preview 2016, a report released … MORE
How to Engage Your Investors on ESG Issues in Proxy Season and Beyond
GREENBIZ – Apr. 08, 2015 – Spring brings a new proxy voting season, as shareholders exercise their right to raise issues of importance to company management, the board of directors and fellow shareholders. In recent … MORE
Climate Campaigners Losing Faith in Value of Engaging With Fossil Fuel Firms
THE GUARDIAN – Apr. 07, 2015 – It’s been 23 years since investor activists first tried to get the oil business to face up to the risks of climate change. Progress has been painfully slow … MORE
Pssst: Socially Responsible Investors Are Racking Up Wins This Year
COMPLIANCE WEEK – Apr. 07, 2015 – Relax and enjoy! You can soon have that morning donut without worrying about the nanotech particles that had been sprinkled atop as a whitening agent for the powdered … MORE
Climate Change, Political Lobbying High On Shareholders’ Agenda
TRIPLE PUNDIT – Mar. 24, 2015 – Historic droughts, record snowfalls, and the incidence of “superstorms” and other highly anomalous weather seem to be making a stronger impression, and having a greater impact, on those … MORE
Record Breaking Number of Shareowner Resolutions in 2015
SOCIAL FUNDS – Mar. 21, 2015 – The eleventh edition of As You Sow’s Proxy Preview identifies 433 shareowner resolutions filed this year, with corporate political activity and the environment accounting for slightly more than … MORE
Climate, Politics Key Shareholder Concerns, Report Says
FINANCIAL ADVISOR – Mar. 18, 2015 – Investors have filled 433 social and environmental resolutions so far this year, with climate change and political spending driving the most activity, according to a new report.
Proxy Preview 2015
Proxy Preview 2015 covers the record-breaking 433 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity. The report provides analysis and expert insight to help you navigate the issues and successfully vote your shares. MORE
Shareholders Flood Fossil Fuel Companies With Climate Resolutions Again
INSIDE CLIMATE NEWS – Mar. 13, 2015 – U.S. oil and energy companies are facing a barrage of climate-related shareholder proposals this year, many of them demanding action or disclosures on low-carbon strategies, political spending … MORE
Shareholders Set to File Record Number of ESG-Related Proposals in 2015
IR MAGAZINE – Mar. 12, 2015 – Investors have filed a record number of shareholder proposals on ESG issues this year, with a focus on climate change and corporate political activity, according to the As … MORE
RELEASE: Record Number of Social and Environmental Shareholder Resolutions Filed in 2015
AS YOU SOW RELEASE – March 10, 2015 – Proxy Preview 2015, released today, covers the record-breaking 433 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change … MORE
Proxy Preview
Proxy Preview, the report hailed by the Chicago Tribune as the “Bible for socially progressive foundations, religious groups, pension funds, and tax-exempt organizations”, provides an overview of votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2014
Proxy Preview 2014 covers the record-breaking 417 social and environmental shareholder resolutions filed this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of the activity.
Proxy Preview 2013
Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. This ninth edition of the Proxy Preview provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for 2013´s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2012
This eighth edition of the Proxy Preview provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for 2012´s most prominent issues and case studies of successful dialogues. Our team of issue experts will highlight this year´s key issues, including corporate political spending, lobbying, sexual orientation non-discrimination, board diversity, coal, fracking, supply chain transparency, extended producer responsibility, and animal welfare.
Proxy Preview 2011
Proxy Preview 2011 is the revamped seventh edition of an annual report than in 2008 the Chicago Tribune called the “bible for socially progressive foundations, religious groups, pension funds, and tax-exempt organizations.” It is a comprehensive review of the nearly 400 social and environmental resolutions that investors have filed at companies this spring. MORE
2010 Proxy Season
CORPGOV – Jul. 28, 2010 – First up was Environmental Shareowner Resolutions Gain Record Levels of Support in 2010 Proxy Season, in which Kropp interviewed Michael Passoff of As You Sow.
Proxy Preview 2010
This sixth edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
As You Sow Publishes 2010 Proxy Preview
SOCIAL FUNDS – Apr. 13, 2010 – The sixth in an annual series of publications, the 2010 Preview highlights the successes of 2009 while identifying the major issues for shareowner advocates this year.
Proxy Preview 2010: Helping Foundations Align Investment And Mission
GREENBIZ – Apr. 13, 2010 – Foundations and other endowments are increasingly asking themselves what should — or could — they be doing to better align their investments and mission. They are looking at how … MORE
Proxy Voting: Sustainability Hits The Mainstream
CORPORATE SECRETARY – Apr. 13, 2010 – These days it seems like it is getting harder and harder for issuers to discuss their performance without CSR issues cropping up. Just look at the 350-plus social … MORE
Proxy Preview 2009
This fifth edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2008
This fourth edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2007
This third edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2006
This second edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Proxy Preview 2005
This first edition of Proxy Preview is a collaboration between three organizations seeking to help investors align their values with their investments. It provides an overview of upcoming votes on environmental and social shareholder resolutions—including advocacy sections for the year’s most prominent issues. MORE
Unlocking the Power of the Proxy
To help foundations play more active roles in the corporate governance and social responsibility issues of publicly held companies, As You Sow and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors have collaborated to publish Unlocking the Power of the Proxy: How Active Foundation Proxy Voting Can Protect Endowments and Boost Philanthropic Missions. MORE