Proxy Preview 2012 Helps Investors Vote Their Values

IMAGE-2012Q1News-proxypreview-graphBefore the November election, millions of votes will be cast at annual shareholder meetings across the country to determine corporate policies on critical issues.

In anticipation of these votes, Proxy Preview 2012, our eighth annual guide to social and environmental shareholder resolutions, was released to help investors make informed choices on aligning their investments with their values.

Nearly a third of the socially responsible shareholder resolutions filed this year address corporate political spending, lobbying, and the influence of corporate money on the government. Every year, these resolutions are a snapshot in time and this years’ reflect the national debate on growing economic inequality and the concentration of corporate power, sparked by the Citizens United decision and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Proxy Preview 2012 discusses these new and controversial resolutions and also presents expert opinions from over 35 advocates on diverse issues including the environment—ranging from climate change and sustainability to coal and fracking—and social issues including political spending, lobbying, animal welfare, human rights, banking practices, sexual orientation discrimination, and worker safety.

As You Sow is proud to collaborate with the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2) and Proxy Impact to produce this resource for a growing number of value-driven investors.

Visit to download the free report and watch a webinar featuring a discussion of the hottest issues on this year’s proxy ballots by As You Sow CEO Andrew Behar, Heidi Welsh of Si2, Michael Passoff of Proxy Impact, and Tim Smith of Walden Asset Management.