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BE IT RESOLVED:  With board oversight, shareholders request Chevron issue a report (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) describing how the Company could adapt its business model to align with a decarbonizing economy by altering … MORE >

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ExxonMobil Faces Showdown with Shareholders over Climate Change

Scientific American – May 25, 2016 – For years, Exxon Mobil Corp. has held its annual meeting here in a cavernous symphony hall downtown, where shareholders today will discuss the company’s future and cast their … MORE >

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RELEASE: Groundbreaking As You Sow Shareholder Resolution Pushes Oil Companies to Drop Barrel Based Reporting

Oakland, CA – May 25, 2016 – Today, at ExxonMobil’s Annual General Meeting, shareholders will vote on what could prove to be the beginning of a sea change in how big oil companies look at … MORE >

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Danielle Fugere: Avoiding the Fossil Fuel Cliff

Responsible Investor – May 9, 2016 – It is becoming clear to shareholders and companies alike this proxy season that “business as usual” is no longer a viable strategy for 21st century businesses. Recognizing the … MORE >

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SEC Overrides ExxonMobil Efforts to Stifle Shareholder Activism on Climate

Triple Pundit – March 28, 2016 – It is widely known that the wheels of justice — and of institutional change — turn slowly, especially when they turn against the well-established forces of the status … MORE >

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SEC Forces Exxon to Bring Climate-Friendly Accounting to Shareholder Vote

March 25, 2016 – In a key win, the Oakland-based non-profit advocacy group, As You Sow defeated ExxonMobil’s attempt to suppress an innovative, first of its kind shareholder resolution. The resolution asks Exxon to report its energy resources in … MORE >

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New Shareholder Resolution Incentivizing Big Oil’s Transition to Clean Energy, Wins at SEC

March 25, 2016 – In a key win, the Oakland-based non-profit advocacy group, As You Sow defeated ExxonMobil’s attempt to suppress an innovative, first of its kind shareholder resolution. The resolution asks Exxon to report … MORE >

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Carbon Asset Transition

Carbon Asset Transition, or CAT, asks oil and gas companies to account for their energy resources in BTUs, a generic unit of energy, rather than in “barrels of oil equivalent.” This allows oil & gas … MORE >

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ExxonMobil – Climate Change – 2016

BE IT RESOLVED: Proponents request that, by February 2017 and annually thereafter in a publication such as its annual or CSR report, Exxon quantify and report to shareholders its reserve replacements in BTUs, by resource … MORE >

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Chevron – Climate Change – 2016

BE IT RESOLVED: Proponents request that, by February 2017 and annually thereafter in a publication such as the annual or CSR report, Chevron quantify and report to shareholders its reserve replacements in BTUs, by resource … MORE >

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