Blog Archives
PepsiCo Glyphosate Dessication Resolution 2018
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the Board publish a report, at reasonable expense and omitting proprietary information, discussing the Company’s options for adoption of policies above and beyond legal compliance to prevent or minimize environmental … MORE
Trump Critics on Climate Policy Hope Executives Can Sway Him
Jeffrey R. Immelt, General Electric’s chief executive, says climate change is real, a position at odds with the Trump administration. As a member of a White House manufacturing advisory council, he also has President Trump’s … MORE
Why the World’s Biggest Companies are Investing in Recycling
GREENBIZ – August 18, 2014 – Interest in recycling is looping back around.
As You Sow filed shareholder proposals in 2008, 2009, and 2010 asking the company to develop container recovery goals. In early 2010, we withdrew our proposal after the company agreed to achieve a 50% industry … MORE
PepsiCo to Launch 100% Plant-Based PET Bottle in 2012
PACKWORLD.COM – March 15, 2011 – Made entirely from bio‐based raw materials, the ‘green’ bottle mimics the properties of PET and is fully recyclable.
RELEASE: As You Sow Applauds PepsiCo’s Commitment To Increase Recycling Using Dream Machine Kiosks
AS YOU SOW RELEASE – April 22, 2010 – PepsiCo announced today it will place bottle and can recycling machines in thousands of public spaces, a move prompted as part of a response to a … MORE