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Dow Chemical
The Dow Chemical Company is the second-largest chemical manufacturer in the world by revenue and the third-largest chemical company in the world by market capitalization. As You Sow has engaged with Dow Chemical on issues … MORE
Dow Chemical – GMOs – 2014
Political spending and corporate money in politics is a highly contentious issue, and may expose companies to significant business risks. The risks to shareholder value are illustrated by the public controversy surrounding the use of … MORE
Shareowners Warn Monsanto, Dow, Kraft and Coke on GMO Foods
GREENBIZ.COM – October 16, 2013 – Next month, voters in Washington will decide whether food companies doing business in the state will be required to label food products that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Advocates say ‘No on I-522’ Contributors Will See Backlash
CAPITAL PRESS – October 10, 2013 – Food companies that contribute to the “No on 522” campaign risk alienating both investors and customers, two investment advisers said in a news conference Oct. 9.
Greens ask U.S. Biotech Firms to Sit Out Food-Labeling Vote
CHICAGO TRIBUNE – October 9, 2013 – Voters support the idea of labeling by a wide margin, according to a September poll by Seattle-based Elway Research.