As we celebrate 25 years of deep impact in getting BIG corporations to make BIG changes, I want to express the sheer gratitude from all of our staff and Board for the unrelenting support we have received from all of you. At our core, we believe that corporations must participate in the solution to today’s environmental and social issues. And we are dedicated to making it happen — like getting McDonald’s to stop using 700 million foam coffee cups every year, Exxon to publish the industry’s first public report on carbon asset risk, and Wendy’s and KFC to stop sourcing chicken raised with medically important antibiotics.
We have embraced the shared global vision for the future expressed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These seventeen goals are a common language to bring about a sustainable and equitable world for all by 2030, and As You Sow is working on sixteen of these seventeen goals.
As a token of our gratitude, with any donation $25 or more between now and the end of the year, we will send you a UN SDG lapel pin, a representation of those 17 goals. We invite you to stand with us as ambassadors for this shared global vision—to adopt these goals as your own and to help make sure that everyone knows about this global vision that so many are working toward.
Thank you for joining us as we strive for the better future we all deserve.
Thank you for standing with us in the fight we all are facing.
Andrew Behar