Welcome to As You Sow’s 2014 winter newsletter! In this edition, we have highlights from our 2014 shareholder resolutions, fresh engagement with ExxonMobil on climate risk, and updates on upcoming reports on fracking and CEO pay.
We also have exciting commitments from major companies on recycling, and we’re proud to announce a new Spinner Verification initiative at Responsible Sourcing Network. Our recent Green Bonds report showcases innovative financial tools applied to climate and environmental projects, and we say hello to our new Development Director Sarah Milne.
There’s also news on our shareholder resolutions with Hollywood studios on smoking in movies and Dunkin’ Donuts on nanomaterials in food. You can learn more about our upcoming Fossil Free Funds website, and our new fundraising effort to expand our digital presence.
Thank you for your continued support of As You Sow as we make the protection of your health and the environment a central part of corporate decision making. Please feel free to share this with your networks and connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
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