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Investors Demand Action from Hollywood on Smoking in Youth-Rated Films to Save 1,000,000 lives

Oakland, CALIF – October 3, 2017 – A new website tracking mutual fund investments in companies responsible for kid’s initiation to tobacco was released today by non-profit environmental health watchdog As You Sow. With tobacco-related … MORE >

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BE IT RESOLVED: That shareholders request that Time Warner issue a report describing how the company will ensure shareholders that its policies and practices are advancing and not undermining the Sustainable Development Goals. As You … MORE >

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Hollywood Not Honoring Anti-Smoking Pledge: Lawsuit

NBC LA – April 4, 2015 – A movie star with a cigarette is a visual the film industry has promised to limit, especially when it comes to younger audiences, but a new lawsuit claims major … MORE >

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RELEASE: Disney Takes Important Step Towards Eliminating Smoking from Youth-Rated Movies

AS YOU SOW RELEASE – July 13, 2015 – The Walt Disney Company has become the first major Hollywood studio to prohibit cigarette smoking depictions in films they produce with youth ratings.

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RELEASE: In a First, Shareholders Vote on Tobacco Depictions in Movies with As You Sow/Trinity Health Proposal at Time Warner

AS YOU SOW RELEASE – June 19, 2015 – Time Warner, parent company of Warner Bros. movie studio, has become the first company to hold a shareholder vote on smoking in movies. The resolution was … MORE >

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Time Warner – Smoke Free Movies – 2015

BE IT RESOLVED: Stockholders request that the Board amend the Nominating and Governance Committee Charter (or add an equivalent provision to another Board Committee Charter) to provide oversight and public reporting concerning the formulation and … MORE >

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Comcast – Smoke Free Movies – 2015

BE IT RESOLVED: Stockholders request that the Board amend the Governance and Directors Nominating Committee Charter (or add an equivalent provision to another Board Committee Charter) not endanger young people’s well-being, not have the substantial … MORE >

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Viacom – Smoke-Free Movies – 2015

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors publish within six months, at reasonable cost and excluding proprietary information, a report on the public health impacts of smoking in all of its movies, … MORE >

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Disney – Smoke-Free Movies – 2015

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors publish within six months, at reasonable cost and excluding proprietary information, a report on the public health impacts of smoking in all of its movies, … MORE >

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Viacom Inc.

Viacom Inc. is the world’s fifth largest broadcasting and cable company in terms of revenue. As You Sow has engaged with Viacom on issues related to smoke-free movies.

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The Walt Disney Company

Founded on October 16, 1923 by Walt and Roy O. Disney, the Disney Company has since became the world’s second largest broadcasting and cable company. As You Sow has engaged with the Walt Disney Company … MORE >

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Advocacy Groups Challenge Studios Over Smoking in Youth-Rated Movies

NEW YORK TIMES – Sept. 30, 2014 – The major media companies are coming under renewed attack by a group of shareholders who say they want more progress in limiting the cigarette smoking that young … MORE >

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RELEASE: Shareholders Challenge Major Hollywood Studios to Account for 1,000,000 Smoking Deaths

AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE – Sept. 30, 2014 – Surgeon General and CDC Directly Link Smoking in Movies to Youth Initiation that Could be Eliminated with an R Rating

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RELEASE: Surgeon General 50th Anniversary Smoking Report Links Hollywood to Youth Deaths

AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE – January 17, 2014 – The 50th anniversary Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health, released today, called on Hollywood movie studios to eliminate images of smoking from youth rated … MORE >

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RELEASE: Media Shareholders Tell Major Studios, “Quit Smoking in Youth-Rated Movies”

As You Sow Press Release

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Smoke Free Movies

Smoke Free Movies is a project of the University of California, San Francisco that identifies the link between tobacco advertising and movie production and seeks to protect the health of teens by reducing smoking in … MORE >

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American Medical Association

The American Medical Association helps doctors help patients by uniting physicians nationwide to work on the most important professional and public health issues. They are part of a group of concerned organizations calling on film … MORE >

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American Lung Association

The American Lung Association is a voluntary health organization aiming to prevent lung disease and promote lung health. They are part of a group of concerned organizations calling on film producers to R rate movies … MORE >

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Smoke-Free Movies

Engaging movie studios to prevent smoking in G, PG, and PG-13 films. MORE >

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