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As You Sow Challenges Chevron to Take Immediate Action on Methane Emissions

Oakland, CA – In a new shareholder resolution, As You Sow and Dominican Sisters of Hope, Congregation of St. Joseph, Adrian Dominican Sisters, and Dignity Health are calling upon Chevron to report to shareholders on … MORE >

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BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Dominion issue a report (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) reviewing the Company’s policies and plans to measure, monitor, mitigate, and set quantitative reduction targets for methane emissions resulting from … MORE >

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BE IT RESOLVED:  Shareholders request that Chevron provide a report (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) using quantitative indicators, on the company’s actions beyond regulatory requirements to minimize methane emissions, particularly leakage, from the company’s … MORE >

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BE IT RESOLVED: As You Sow requests the company report annually to shareholders (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information), and using quantitative indicators, the company’s actions beyond regulatory requirements to monitor and minimize methane leakage, including adopting a quantitative methane intensity reduction target for its operations. MORE >

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Exelon Methane Resolution 2018

BE IT RESOLVED: As You Sow requests the company report annually to shareholders (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information), and using quantitative indicators, the company’s actions beyond regulatory requirements to monitor and minimize methane leakage, … MORE >

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RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Exxon report annually to shareholders (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) and using quantitative indicators, the company’s actions beyond regulatory requirements to minimize methane emissions, particularly leakage, from the company’s hydraulic fracturing … MORE >

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BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Southern Company issue a report describing how it will reduce climate risk by controlling its methane emissions, including disclosing its current enterprise-wide methane emissions and the practices used by … MORE >

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RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Sempra issue a report disclosing the Company’s enterprise-wide policies for assessing, monitoring, and reducing its methane emissions; describing the climate change risk its methane emissions creates for the Company; and discussing … MORE >

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Shareholders request Dominion issue a report (by October 2017, at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) reviewing the Company’s policies, actions and plans to measure, monitor, mitigate, disclose, and set quantitative reduction targets for methane emissions … MORE >

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WGL Holdings – Methane – 2017

As You Sow, on behalf of WGL shareholders, requests that the company develop a report quantifying the financial risk that methane leaks in its natural gas infrastructure pose to the Company and its investors. Shareholders … MORE >

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