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Calpers Expands Tobacco Divestment to Outside Funds

Bloomberg Briefs-December 22. 2016-California Public Employees’ Retirement System, the largest U.S. public pension fund, is widening its ban on tobacco-related investments, with a plan to quit about $550 million in tobacco assets overseen by outside … MORE >

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Climate Action Is Up to the Rest of Us Now

Bill Moyers-November 29, 2016-Responsible Americans can’t give up on shrinking the nation’s carbon footprint while a climate denialist and his fellow travelers have their way with the federal government. And while it’s true that market … MORE >

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Deforestation Free Funds

Are your investments and savings destroying rainforests? If your retirement plan is managed by Vanguard, TIAA-CREF, or other major asset managers, the answer may be different than you think. Investments in palm oil–the fastest growing … MORE >

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