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Divest-Invest Philanthropy Campaign Could Attract $150bn in Assets by Year-End – As You Sow

RESPONSIBLE INVESTOR – May 11, 2015 – A campaign to encourage US investors to exit fossil fuels and invest in the new energy economy, which has won the support of investors holding $50bn (€44.6bn) in … MORE >

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Students Escalate Divestment Campaign After Universities Refuse to Sell Fossil Fuel Stocks

ECOWATCH – December 12, 2013 – Students across the country are escalating their campaigns for fossil fuel divestment after a number of high profile colleges and universities have rejected measures demanding they sell their stocks.

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On Campuses, a Fossil-Fuel Divestment Movement

THE WASHINGTON POST – November 25, 2013 – A divestment movement is marching across U.S. college campuses, borrowing tactics from the 1980s anti-apartheid campaign and using them against oil, gas and coal companies to fight … MORE >

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Cutting Carbon on Campus

NUVO – October 7, 2013 – Like many college students, Vesta Davis had no idea in the fall of 2011 when she arrived in Richmond, Ind., as an 18-year-old freshman at Earlham College, what she … MORE >

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The Coal Divestment Toolkit: Moving Endowments Beyond Coal

Divestment is the process of selling an asset for either financial or social goals. Divestment is a powerful way to take a stand against companies involved in an activity that is morally reprehensible. This strategy has been used to send a strong message and to force change in corporate policies and governance. Through divestment campaigns, shareholders (the people and organizations that own corporate stock) take responsibility for the actions of the companies they own and demand change or sell their shares. MORE >

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RELEASE: Carbon Divestment Does Not Increase Portfolio Risk, New Report Shows

As You Sow Press Release

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Carbon Divestment

The United Nations is now calling for investors to validate the financial risk posed by unburnable carbon and climate change by divesting portfolios of fossil fuel stocks. Christina Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UN … MORE >

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The Case for Fossil-Fuel Divestment

ROLLING STONE – February 22, 2013 – It’s obvious how this should end. You’ve got the richest industry on earth, fossil fuel, up against some college kids, some professors, a few environmentalists, a few brave … MORE >

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Getting the Carbon Out

FINANCIAL ADVISOR – January 29, 2013 – Who are the Filthy 15? They are public companies in the coal utility and extraction business that groups criticize for damaging the environment and contributing heavily to climate … MORE >

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