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Range Resources – Fracking – 2012

The use of hydraulic fracturing in natural gas drilling has become highly controversial. Proponents are concerned about regulatory, legal, reputational, and financial

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Range Resources

Range Resources is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company As You Sow has engaged with Range Resources on issues related to hydraulic fracturing. Read more about our engagements with Range Resources below.

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Shareholders Challenge Gas Companies on Fracking

FINANCIAL TIMES – January 21, 2011 – A group of US investors have filed shareholder resolutions with nine oil and gas companies, pressing them to disclose plans for managing risks associated with the technology being … MORE >

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Investor Groups’ Resolutions on Hydraulic Fracturing ‘Hit a Nerve’

SNL FINANCIAL – January 21, 2011 – A coalition of environmentally minded investors is calling on leading oil and gas companies to improve transparency related to hydraulic fracturing practices and adopt policies that will mitigate … MORE >

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