Blog Archives
RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Occidental), with board oversight, produce an assessment of long-term portfolio impacts of plausible scenarios that address climate change, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information. The assessment, produced … MORE
Occidental – Hydraulic Fracturing – 2014
Shareholders request the Board of Directors to report to shareholders by October 30, 2014, and annually thereafter, using quantitative indicators, the results of company procedures and practices, above and beyond regulatory requirements, to minimize any … MORE
Occidental is a diversified energy company involved in generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. As You Sowhas engaged with Occidental on issues related to Hydraulic Fracturing. Read more about our engagements with Occidental below.
RELEASE: Shareholders Target Companies’ Failure to Measure and Reduce Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing
AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE – February 4, 2014 – ExxonMobil, Chevron, EOG Resources, Occidental Petroleum, and Pioneer Resources received shareholder resolutions from a coalition of investors concerned about the lack of reported progress in … MORE
Shareholders Protest Fracking Risks
FINANCIAL ADVISOR – February 4, 2014 – A coalition of shareholders announced Tuesday that it has filed resolutions against five major oil and gas companies protesting the companies’ lack of reported progress in mitigating the … MORE