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BE IT RESOLVED: Shareowners of Kroger request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, assessing the environmental impacts of continuing to use unrecyclable brand packaging.
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Kroger produce a report, with board oversight, assessing the climate change risk reduction benefits of adopting quantitative, time-bound, enterprise-wide targets for increasing its renewable energy sourcing. The report should be … MORE
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Kroger produce a report assessing the climate change risk reduction benefits of adopting quantitative, enterprise-wide targets for increasing its renewable energy sourcing. The report should be produced at reasonable cost … MORE
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareowners of Kroger request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, assessing the environmental impacts of continuing to use unrecyclable brand packaging.
Kroger – Energy – 2016
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Kroger produce a report, by year end 2016, assessing the climate benefits and feasibility of adopting enterprise-wide, quantitative, time bound targets for increasing Kroger’s renewable energy sourcing. The report should be produced … MORE
Kroger – Waste – 2016
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareowners of Kroger request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, assessing the environmental impacts of continuing to use unrecyclable brand packaging.
Kroger – Consumer Packaging – 2015
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareowners of Kroger request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, assessing the environmental impacts of continuing to use unrecyclable brand packaging.
Kroger – Consumer Packaging – 2014
Shareowners of Kroger request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting confidential information, developing a policy position on the company’s responsibility for post-consumer product packaging recycling of its private … MORE
Kroger – Consumer Packaging – 2013
Product packaging is a significant consumer of natural resources and energy, and a major source of waste and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. More than half of U.S. product packaging is discarded in landfills or burned … MORE
Kroger – Consumer Packaging – 2012
Shareowners of The Kroger Co. request that the board of directors issue a report at
reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, by Sept. 1, 2012 assessing the
feasibility of adopting a policy of Extended Producer Responsibility for post‐consumer
product packaging as a means of reducing carbon emissions and air and water pollution
resulting from the company’s business practices, and describing efforts by the company to
implement this strategy. MORE
Taco Bell, Other Fast Food Chains Ditch BPA Laced Paper Receipts
TRIPLE PUNDIT – While the long term human health impacts of bisphenol A (BPA) are still not entirely understood, more medical research suggests that the chemical wreaks havoc with humans’ endocrine and nervous systems. Nevertheless, … MORE
RELEASE: $11.4 Billion in Recyclable Materials Landfilled Every Year, New Report Finds
As You Sow Press Release
Kroger is the largest traditional grocery chain in the U.S. and second largest general retailer by revenue, operating more than 3,500 stores with revenues exceeding $90 billion. In 2014, As You Sow filed a shareholder … MORE
Good News for Your Endocrine System
GOOD MAGAZINE – May 17, 2011 – While the long term human health impacts of bisphenol A (BPA) are still not entirely understood, more medical research suggests that the chemical wreaks havoc with humans’ endocrine … MORE