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RELEASE: As You Sow Applauds General Mills’ Improved Policies to Protect Bees from Pesticides

AS YOU SOW RELEASE – Jul. 8 2015 – Following engagement with investors and advocates, General Mills has become the first major packaged foods company to improve policies to protect bees and other pollinators from … MORE >

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General Mills – Bee-Keepers and Pollinators – 2015

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that, within six months of the 2015 annual meeting, the Board publish a report, at reasonable expense and omitting proprietary information, on the Company’s options to prohibit or minimize the … MORE >

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Where Has All the Trash Gone? Minneapolis Eyes ‘Zero Waste’

STARTRIBUNE – May 12, 2014 – Minneapolis officials are taking early steps toward joining ­Seattle and San Francisco in becoming “zero waste” cities where just about every scrap of trash is recycled.

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General Mills – Consumer Packaging – 2014

Shareowners of General Mills request that the board of directors issue a report at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, by October 1, 2014 assessing the environmental impacts of continuing to use unrecyclable brand packaging.

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General Mills – GMOs – 2014

We believe that genetic engineering involves significant risks to the environment, food security, and public health. Our company should take a leadership position regarding sale of food made from genetically engineered crops. Failure to do … MORE >

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Greens ask U.S. Biotech Firms to Sit Out Food-Labeling Vote

CHICAGO TRIBUNE – October 9, 2013 – Voters support the idea of labeling by a wide margin, according to a September poll by Seattle-based Elway Research.

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Investors Ask General Mills to Step Up Packaging Responsibility

SUSTAINABLE BRANDS – September 23, 2013 – This week, investors are asking General Mills to take responsibility for recycling its post-consumer packaging waste.

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RELEASE: Investors Ask General Mills to Step Up Packaging Responsibility

AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE – September 19, 2013 – Investors are asking General Mills, a Fortune 500 company and producer of such well-known brands as Cheerios and Yoplait Yogurt, to take responsibility for recycling … MORE >

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Shareholders Urge P&G, General Mills to Step Up Package Recycling

Press Coverage

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Major Packaged Goods Companies Urged to Reduce Post-Consumer Waste

FOOD PRODUCTION DAILY – General Mills and Procter & Gamble (P&G) are coming under pressure from a shareholder advocacy group to reduce post-consumer waste by collecƟng and recycling product packaging at their US operations.

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Why We’re Pushing P&G and General Mills to Cut Packaging Waste

Press Coverage

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This Common-Sense Change Makes Good Business Strategy

THE MOTLEY FOOL – “Going green” is a popular strategic destination these days. However, it’s one thing to rejoice that you’ve decided to start that journey, and another to actually get there

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General Mills, Procter & Gamble Pressured to Trim Packaging

LOS ANGELES TIMES – The average American generates about five pounds of trash per day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Now a San Francisco‐based nonprofit is asking some of the manufacturers who produce … MORE >

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Why Coca-Cola Isn’t Ditching BPA

FAST COMPANY – BPA, an estrogen‐mimicking chemical found in food and drink can linings, adhesives, and many plastics, has been repeatedly linked to breast cancer, early puberty, infertility, and other health problems. The stuff is … MORE >

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Why is America Throwing Away $11.4 Billion a Year?

Press Coverage

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General Mills – Consumer Packaging – 2011

Shareowners of General Mills request that the board of directors issue a report at reasonable cost, omitting confidential information, by February 1, 2012 assessing the feasibility of adopting a policy of Extended Producer Responsibility for … MORE >

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General Mills – Consumer Packaging – 2013

Shareowners of General Mills request that the board of directors issue a report, at reasonable cost and omitting confidential information, addressing company responsibility for post‐consumer product packaging and a plan for developing and participating in … MORE >

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General Mills

General Mills, Inc. is an American Fortune 500 corporation that produces food products. As You Sow has engaged with General Mills on issues related to recyclable packaging, GMOs, and pollinator protection. As You Sow Applauds … MORE >

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As You Sow Pushes McDonald’s, Target

RESOURCE RECYCLING – July 7, 2011 – As You Sow, a group that seeks corporate accountability through shareholder advocacy, has announced the results of some its recent campaigns.

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Packaging Makeovers Pick Up Pace, Priority

SMART PLANET – May 3, 2011 – Noticed two items of interest in the past week when it comes to the development of enhanced sustainability practices for consumer goods packaging. First, Proctor & Gamble has … MORE >

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RELEASE: Shareholder Resolutions Ask Major Packaged Goods Companies to Adopt Extended Producer Responsibility

AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE – April 28, 2011 – The shareholder advocacy group As You Sow will file shareholder resolutions this week with consumer packaged goods giants Procter ^ Gamble (P&G) and General Mills … MORE >

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Engagement Seeks to Increase Recycling of Consumer Products and Packaging

SOCIAL FUNDS – April 15, 2011 – As You Sow wins commitments from three major bottlers to adopt Extended Producer Responsibility policies, and expands its engagement to include other major consumer product companies.

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RELEASE: BPA Hazard Spurs Industry Innovation

AS YOU SOW RELEASE – October 21, 2010 – Major brand name companies including Hain Celestial, H.J. Heinz, ConAgra, and General Mills are taking a leadership role in responding to consumer market shifts as awareness … MORE >

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