Blog Archives
Coke, Walmart Kick Off $100m Recycling Fund
THE GUARDIAN – September 25, 2015 – A consortium of 10 of the US’s largest corporations – including Walmart, Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson – has announced three new projects designed to boost dismal recycling … MORE
Coca-Cola – Climate Change – 2016
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Coca-Cola produce a report assessing the feasibility and climate benefits of adopting enterprise-wide, quantitative, time bound targets for increasing Coca-Cola’s renewable energy sourcing. The report should be produced at … MORE
Why the World’s Biggest Companies are Investing in Recycling
GREENBIZ – August 18, 2014 – Interest in recycling is looping back around.
Coca-Cola – BPA – 2010
Coca-Cola is the world’s largest beverage company, annually selling almost 570 billion servings of beverages. A significant part of Coca-Cola’s business includes selling beverages in aluminum cans. Our company has developed a valuable premium brand … MORE
Coca-Cola – BPA – 2011
Coca-Cola is the world’s largest beverage company, selling 1.6 billion servings of beverages per day. A significant part of Coca-Cola’s business includes selling beverages in aluminum cans. Our company has developed a valuable premium brand … MORE
PepsiCo Develops Recyclable, Plant-Based Bottle
Press Coverage
As You Sow Leans on Beverage Recycling Giants to Improve Recycling
Press Coverage
This Common-Sense Change Makes Good Business Strategy
THE MOTLEY FOOL – “Going green” is a popular strategic destination these days. However, it’s one thing to rejoice that you’ve decided to start that journey, and another to actually get there
A Fizzy, Risky Stock Idea
My Rising Stars portfolio embraces companies that pursue sustainable business practices, renewable resources, and social responsibility. Carbonated drinks might not seem like a natural fit with these lofty ideals, but one company I’m watching might … MORE
Beverage Industry Leaders Get Recycling ‘B-‘
ENVIRONMENTAL LEADER – Nestlé Waters North America, PepsiCo and the Coca‐Cola Company have all received a “B‐” letter grade for their recycling efforts in a new report, which criticized the beverage industry’s pace in improving … MORE
Why Bottle Recycling in the U.S. Is Still Just a Drop in the Bucket
Press Coverage
Want Increased Recycling? Bottling Companies Pass the Buck to Government
TRIPLE PUNDIT – Well maybe not a buck, but a nickel or dime, depending on the value of local cash redemption values. As You Sow, a corporate accountability and corporate social responsibility advocacy group, recently released its third beverage container recycling scorecard report.
Plastic Solutions from the Producers
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Major Beverage Companies Open To EPR, Study Finds
Press Coverage
More Coca-Cola Shareholders Want Info About BPA, Advocacy Group Says
LOS ANGELES TIMES – An increasing number of shareholders in the Coca‐Cola Co. would like the world’s largest beverage firm to report on how it’s addressing the risk of Bisphenol A in its beverage cans, … MORE
Unease About BPA Bubbling Up Among Coke Shareholders
Press Coverage
Shareholders Pressure Coca-Cola to Scrutinize BPA
TRIPLE PUNDIT – Yesterday over one‐quarter of Coca‐Cola shareholders voted for a resolution that requested the beverage giant to address consumers’ concerns over bisphenol A, or BPA. That is the good news. The bad news … MORE
Why Coca-Cola Isn’t Ditching BPA
FAST COMPANY – BPA, an estrogen‐mimicking chemical found in food and drink can linings, adhesives, and many plastics, has been repeatedly linked to breast cancer, early puberty, infertility, and other health problems. The stuff is … MORE
Taco Bell, Other Fast Food Chains Ditch BPA Laced Paper Receipts
TRIPLE PUNDIT – While the long term human health impacts of bisphenol A (BPA) are still not entirely understood, more medical research suggests that the chemical wreaks havoc with humans’ endocrine and nervous systems. Nevertheless, … MORE
RELEASE: $11.4 Billion in Recyclable Materials Landfilled Every Year, New Report Finds
As You Sow Press Release
Companies Are Removing Oil From Their Products to Cut Costs
Press Coverage
Why is America Throwing Away $11.4 Billion a Year?
Press Coverage
Coca-Cola – BPA – 2012
Shareholders request the Board of Directorsto publish a report by September 1, 2012,
at reasonable cost and excluding confidential information, updating investors on how
the company is responding to the public policy challenges associated with BPA, including
summarizing what the company is doing to maintain its position of leadership and public
trust on this issue, its role in adopting or encouraging development of alternatives to
BPA in can linings, and any material risks to the company’s market share or reputation in
staying the course with continued use of BPA. MORE
The Coca-Cola company is an American multinational corporation that manufactures, retails, and markets nonalcoholic beverages, concentrates and syrups. As You Sow has engaged with Coca-Cola on issues related to consumer packaging and bisphenol A. Read … MORE
Make It, Take It
CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY MAGAZINE – October 1, 2012 – When I decided to dedicate my life to protecting the environment through groups like Riverkeeper, NRDC, and the Waterkeeper Alliance, I considered recycling a small and slightly … MORE
As You Sow: Promoting Recycling One Company at a Time
1-800-RECYCLING.COM – August 9, 2012 – The nonprofit’s work promotes corporate environmental and social responsibility, challenging some of the world’s biggest brands to recycle more effectively.
Unfinished Business: The Case for Extended Producer Responsibility for Post-Consumer Packaging
In Unfinished Business: The Case for Extended Producer Responsibility for Post-Consumer Packaging, As You Sow describes how extended producer responsibility would boost the U.S. packaging recycling rates and transform how recycling is funded.
US Shareholder Advocacy Targets BPA, Flame Retardants and Mercury
Press Coverage
Beverage Industry Recycling Gets a Report Card for 2011
WHOLE FOODS MAGAZINE – October 30, 2011 – A close examination of the U.S. beverage industry’s collective efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle reveals many divergent trends.
Major Beverage Companies Are Ready to Take Responsibility for Post-Consumer Packaging
POPSOP – August 22, 2011 – A new report assessing corporate progress on recycling released by shareholder advocacy group As You Sow revealed that several major U.S. beverage brands‐ are ready to support new laws…
Which Beverage Makers Support Recycling?
Press Coverage
Pepsi, Coke Get B- for Recycling Initiatives
Press Coverage
Coca-Cola and Nestle Waters on Board for US Recycling Laws
BEVERAGE DAILY – August 18, 2011 – Beverage giants Coca-Cola and Nestlé Waters will take responsibility for collection and recycling of post-consumer beverage packaging if the US passes new laws requiring them to do so, … MORE
Report: Beverage Makers Sip Sustainability Strategy
SMART PLANET – August 15, 2011 – Shareholder advocacy group As You Sow has released its third report about recycling policies in the beverage industry since 2006, and its major theme is this: more industry … MORE
Coca-Cola and Nestle Show Signs of Support for Improved Recycling Laws
TREEHUGGER – August 12, 2011 – Of the 224 billion beverage containers sold in the U.S. every year, only about 29 percent are recycled. Companies have been blamed in the past for not doing more … MORE
Coca-Cola, Nestle Finally Accept End-of-Life Product Stewardship
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS.COM – August 12, 2011 – After decades of pressure to do so, Coca‐Cola and Nestlé Waters North America say they will take responsibility for collecting and recycling used bottles and cans, if states … MORE
Major Beverage Companies Willing to Take Responsibility for Post-Consumer Packaging, Study Finds
BEVNET – August 8, 2011 – Several major U.S. beverage brands would support new laws making producers financially responsible for collection and recycling of post-consumer beverage packaging, according to a new report assessing corporate progress … MORE
RELEASE: Major Beverage Companies Willing to Take Responsibility for Post-Consumer Packaging, Study Finds
AS YOU SOW PRESS RELEASE- August 10, 2011 – Several major U.S. beverage brands would support new laws making producers financially responsible for collection and recycling of post-consumer beverage packaging, according to a new report … MORE
Coca-Cola, Nestle Finally Accept End-of-Life Product Stewardship
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS.COM – August 12, 2011 – After decades of pressure to do so, Coca‐Cola and Nestlé Waters North America say they will take responsibility for collecting and recycling used bottles and cans, if states … MORE