Goldman Sachs
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American multinational finance company that engages in global investment banking, investment management, securities, and other financial services, primarily with institutional clients.
As You Sow has engaged with Goldman Sachs on issues related to climate change.
STATUS: pending
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Goldman Sachs modify its committee charters or other directives to ensure board committee oversight of issues of Human and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights. The charter should integrate with the Goldman Sachs Statement on Human Rights, and ensure oversight and policies to require in all relevant instances of corporate level, project or consortium financing that our Company and its fiduciaries ensure consideration of finance recipients’ policies and practices for potential impacts on Human and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, including respect for the Free, Prior and Informed Consent of Indigenous communities.
Filing Documents
Related 2018 Engagements
STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address
BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Goldman Sachs prepare a public report on the North Dakota Access Pipeline, describing its financing of companies involved in the pipeline, how or whether its Indigenous rights policy was applied to the financing of such companies, and whether Goldman Sachs complied with its Indigenous rights policy in financing such companies. Building upon that analysis, shareholders request the report also consider policy options to improve implementation of its Indigenous rights policy, such as enhancing the risk metrics and due diligence process for reviewing financed companies’ policies and practices for consistency with Goldman Sachs Indigenous rights policy, and mechanisms for engaging companies that fail to adhere to Goldman Sachs’ Indigenous rights policy. Shareholders request the report be prepared at reasonable expense and exclude proprietary or legally privileged information.
Filing Documents
Related 2017 Engagements