Avista Corp.
Avista Utilities is a U.S. energy company. Avista generates and transmits electricity and distributes natural gas. Avista Utilities is the regulated business unit of Avista Corp., an investor-owned corporation. The company was founded in 1889 as Washington Water Power Company, until the board of directors approved a name change to Avista Corporation, effective January 1, 1999.
As You Sow has engaged with Avista on issues related to climate change. See more about our engagements with Avista below.
STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address
BE IT RESOLVED: With board oversight, shareholders request that Avista create a report by October 2016 (at reasonable cost, omitting proprietary information) describing how Avista could adapt its company-wide business model to significantly increase deployment of distributed-scale non-carbon-emitting electricity resources as a means of reducing societal greenhouse gas emissions and protecting shareholder value. For purposes of this resolution “distributed-scale non-carbon-emitting electricity resources” refers to renewable power infrastructure located on customer property.
Filing Documents
Related 2016 Engagements