Great Plains Energy

Great Plains Energy was established by KCP&L in October. It now owns electric utility Kansas City Power and Light Company and Strategic Energy, LLC.

Shareholders Vote for Greenhouse Gas Reductions at Midwest Utilities

Calling for Climate Action, Shareholders Ask FirstEnergy and Great Plains Energy to Address Coal Pollution by Setting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

Citing climate change impacts and financial risks of carbon-intense coal assets, shareholders representing billions of dollars of assets voted for carbon reduction targets at FirstEnergy and Great Plains Energy, showing strong support for a pair of shareholder proposals put forth by As You Sow and investment group Calvert Investments. The proposal at FirstEnergy received support from 19.4% of shares voted, representing $2.2 billion in investments. At Great Plains Energy, one in three shareholders (33.8%) voted for the proposal, representing $872 million in investments voting in favor of carbon reduction goals. In total, $3 billion in shareholder assets demanded climate action from the utilities.

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Carbon Asset Risk 2016

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Great Plains Energy prepare a report by September 2016, omitting proprietary information and at reasonable cost, quantifying the company’s potential financial losses associated with stranding of its fossil fuel generation facilities under a range of climate regulation scenarios requiring greenhouse gas reductions beyond Clean Power Plan reductions. Shareholders request that Great Plains quantify its exposure to stranding of its fossil fuel generation facilities under a scenario limiting global carbon emissions to 2 degrees Celsius.

Filing Documents

Related 2016 Engagements

Climate Change 2015

STATUS: 33.8%

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Great Plains Energy adopt quantitative, time bound, carbon dioxide reduction goals to reduce the company’s corporate carbon emissions, and issue a report by September 1, 2015, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, on its plans to achieve the carbon reduction goals it sets.

Filing Documents


Related 2015 Engagements