British Petroleum (BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, England. It is the sixth-largest energy company by market capitalization, the fifth-largest company in the world measured by 2012 revenues, and the sixth-largest oil and gas company measured by 2012 production.

British Petroleum Recommends Support for Climate-Related Shareholder Proposal

Second Supermajor in Two Weeks to Endorse Climate Resolution Co-Filed by As You Sow

The British Petroleum Board of Directors, following Royal Dutch Shell’s announcement last week, endorsed a shareholder resolution requiring the company to commit to reduce emissions and invest in renewable energy, to do away with bonus systems that promote climate harming activities, and to stress test its business model against the 2 degrees Celsius warming limit adopted by 141 governments in the UN’s Copenhagen Accord. Nonprofit As You Sow co-filed the resolution at BP as part of the “Aiming for A” Coalition of investors, coordinated by ClientEarth and ShareAction.

Read our statement

Read more about our resolutions with Shell below.

Climate Change 2015

STATUS: 98.0%

BE IT RESOLVED: That in order to address our interest in the longer term success of the Company, given the recognised risks and opportunities associated with climate change, we as shareholders of the Company direct that routine annual reporting from 2016 includes further information about: ongoing operational emissions management; asset portfolio resilience to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA’s) scenarios; low-carbon energy research and development (R&D) and investment strategies; relevant strategic key performance indicators (KPIs) and executive incentives; and public policy positions relating to climate change. This additional ongoing annual reporting could build on the disclosures already made to CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) and/or those already made within the Company’s Energy Outlook, Sustainability Review and Annual Report.

Filing Documents


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