
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is one of the world's largest publicly traded oil and gas exploration and production companies.

Record-Breaking Support for 'Carbon Risk' Resolution at Anadarko Petroleum - Our shareholder proposal asking Anadarko to address the risk of stranded carbon assets received 30% shareholder support at the company's annual meeting. Read our press release.

As You Sow has engaged with Anadarko on issues related to climate change and hydraulic fracturing.

Carbon Asset Risk 2018

STATUS: pending

WHEREAS: In November 2016, the Paris Agreement entered into force. Its goal of keeping global temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius is already shaping global policy decisions. Resulting national, state, and local regulations to address climate change, technological innovation, energy efficiency improvements, and consumer preference are leading the way toward a low carbon energy market that will meaningfully reduce demand for carbon-based fuels. The CEOs of Statoil and Shell have predicted that peak demand for oil may occur as early as the 2020s. The International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that transportation accounts for more than one fifth of global carbon dioxide emissions and forecasts that electrification of transport will play a critical role in achieving required greenhouse gas reductions. The increasing likelihood of public policy action, and the speed of technological advancements to address climate change, make it vital that Anadarko provide investors with more detailed analyses of the potential risks to its business under a range of climate scenarios. This imperative is underscored by Moody’s announcement that it will take climate risk into account in establishing bond ratings. Similarly, the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures guidelines, issued this year, recommends that the energy sector evaluate the potential impact of different scenarios, including a 2 degree Celsius scenario, on a company’s business, strategy, and financial planning. A recent analysis of oil and gas carbon asset risk found that 20 to 30% of Anadarko’s potential capital expenditure is outside the 2 degree budget, creating a risk of stranded assets. ( While Anadarko’s website notes that “regulatory changes could significantly increase our capital expenditures and operating costs or could result in delays to or limitations on our exploration and production activities,” it has not presented analysis allowing investors to assess the resilience of our company’s portfolios under various carbon-constrained scenarios, including a 2 degree scenario. Uncertainty around future demand growth in light of climate change has led competitors like ConocoPhillips and Total to test capital planning decisions against multiple carbon-constrained scenarios. Others, such as Chevron and Occidental, have begun the process of providing shareholders with disclosure on carbon asset risk. Accordingly, shareholders seek to understand, through scenario analysis, how our company is adjusting to the increasingly low carbon energy market and planning for the risks and opportunities associated with this accelerating change. BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request that Anadarko publish with Board oversight, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, an assessment of the impacts to the Company’s portfolio of scenarios consistent with limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or below. The assessment should outline the resilience of the company’s reserves and resource portfolio in response to multiple demand and price scenarios and explain how capital planning and business strategies incorporate the financial risks posed by such scenarios.  

Filing Documents

Related 2018 Engagements

Climate Change 2017

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

RESOLVED: Shareholders request that by 2018 Anadarko publish an analysis, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, of long term impacts to the Company’s oil and gas reserves and resources under a scenario in which oil and gas demand reduction results from carbon restrictions or related rules or commitments adopted by governments consistent with the Paris Agreement’s 2 degree C global warming target. The reporting should assess the resilience of the company’s portfolio of assets through 2040 and the financial risks associated with such a scenario.

Filing Documents

Related 2017 Engagements

Carbon Asset Risk 2016

STATUS: 42.0%

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Anadarko to prepare and publish a scenario analysis report by September 2015, omitting proprietary information, describing how the Company will address the risk of stranded assets presented by global climate change and associated demand reductions for oil and gas, including analysis of long and short term financial and operational risks to the company.

Filing Documents

Related 2016 Engagements

Carbon Asset Risk 2015

STATUS: 29.1%

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request Anadarko to prepare a scenario analysis report by September 2015, omitting proprietary information, on the Company’s strategy to address the risk of stranded assets presented by global climate change and associated demand reductions for oil and gas, including analysis of long and short term financial and operational risks to the company.

Filing Documents

Related 2015 Engagements

Carbon Asset Risk 2014

STATUS: 30.0%

Shareholders request Anadarko to prepare a report by September 2014, omitting proprietary information and prepared at reasonable cost, on the company’s goals and plans to address global concerns regarding fossil fuels and their contribution to climate change, including analysis of long and short term financial and operational risks to the company.

Filing Documents


Related 2014 Engagements

Hydraulic Fracturing 2012

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

Our 2012 shareholder resolution requested the company to publish a report on the environmental risks of fracking and policy options the company can adopt to mitigate these risks.

Filing Documents

Related 2012 Engagements

Hydraulic Fracturing 2011

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

Our 2011 shareholder resolution requested the company to publish a report on the environmental risks of fracking and policy options the company can adopt to mitigate these risks. Withdrawal terms include increased disclosure regarding:

  • Safeguards undertaken to avoid creating concentrations of unacceptably high levels of radioactive elements during the hydraulic fracturing life cycle; and procedures for safe disposal of such concentrated radioactive materials should they occur;
  • Disposal issues in general, e.g., waste tracking and vendor oversight and assessment criteria;and,
  • The composition of fracking fluids.

Filing Documents

Related 2011 Engagements