
As You Sow has produced over two dozen reports on a wide range of issues. Click a report subject below to navigate.

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Disclosing the Facts 2016: Transparency and Risk in Hydraulic Fracturing Operations

Hydraulic Fracturing — December 14th 2016

While the coal industry used its recent setbacks as an opportunity to shuck off environmental responsibilities, 20 of 28 oil and gas companies engaged in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) actually improved their scores in an annual investor report card ranking the companies on how they report their policies to reduce risks from fracking operations. Even so, much work remains to be done, with seven out of 10 fracking companies still earning failing scores.

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Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments

Climate Change — July 13th 2016

Unconventional Risks: The Growing Uncertainty of Oil Investments, addresses a series of transformative changes in the global oil market, including sharply rising costs of reserve replacement, competition from new technologies, a global imperative to quickly reduce carbon, and the potential for demand disruptions. The report considers the financial stress these factors are causing and looks at possible future directions for these companies.