
As You Sow has produced over two dozen reports on a wide range of issues. Click a report subject below to navigate.

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The Coal Divestment Toolkit: Moving Endowments Beyond Coal

Carbon Divestment — July 26th 2013

Divestment is the process of selling an asset for either financial or social goals. Divestment is a powerful way to take a stand against companies involved in an activity that is morally reprehensible. This strategy has been used to send a strong message and to force change in corporate policies and governance. Through divestment campaigns, shareholders (the people and organizations that own corporate stock) take responsibility for the actions of the companies they own and demand change or sell their shares.

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Update: Financial Risks of Investments in Coal

Coal — July 8th 2012

As You Sow's Update to the White Paper provides a snapshot of the current trends underlying five financial risks for investments in coal: for mining companies, they are driving shifts in generator demand away from coal; for electric utilities, they are making “cheap coal” costly compared to other generating options or increased efficiency.

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White Paper: Financial Risks of Investments in Coal

Coal — July 8th 2011

In June 2011, As You Sow released White Paper: Financial Risks of Investments in Coal that lays out the financial risks of continued reliance on coal for electricity generation.