
Hormel is the owner of many popular food brands, such as Skippy peanut butter, Saag’s sausages, Muscle Milk products, Stagg Chili, and SPAM. Hormel is also known as one of the world leading processors of turkey. As You Sow is engaging with Hormel due to the routine use of antibiotics in meat production.

Antibiotics and Factory Farms 2017

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

Resolved: Shareholders request the Board of Directors adopt and implement a water stewardship policy designed to reduce risks of water contamination at: Hormel-owned facilities; facilities under contract to Hormel; and Hormel’s suppliers.

Filing Documents

Related 2017 Engagements

Antibiotics and Factory Farms 2016

STATUS: Withdrawn; Company will address

BE IT RESOLVED: Shareholders request the board adopt a policy, for both the company's own hog and turkey production  and (except when precluded by existing contracts) its contract suppliers of hogs and turkeys, to phase out the routine use of antibiotics in classes of drugs used in human medicine. Shareholders request that the Board report to shareowners within six months of the annual meeting, at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information, on the timetable and measures for implementing this policy.

Filing Documents

Related 2016 Engagements