In The News
How Some Long-Term Investors are Fighting for Sustainability
What Exxon Didn’t Tell Their Shareholders
Oil Companies are Having a Tougher Time Making Money
Fossil Fuel Execs Have Little Financial Incentive To Fight Climate Change, Report Says
Chevron Faces Shareholder Pressure Over Oil Exploration
Southern Shareholders to Consider ‘Green’ Vote
NGOs Launch Pension Fund Member Voting Platform for Supporting Shareholder Resolutions, Starting at Chevron
Burning Questions
Filing Documents
- Oil Companies are Having a Tougher Time Making Money
- RELEASE: Chevron Shareholders with $7.75 Billion in Stock Vote to Increase Dividends to Protect Investor Capital in the Face of Risky Investments in Costly Carbon Reserves
- Chevron Faces Shareholder Pressure Over Oil Exploration
- RELEASE: In Wake of Major Climate Votes at BP and Shell, How Will Chevron Shareholders Respond Next Week?
- NGOs Launch Pension Fund Member Voting Platform for Supporting Shareholder Resolutions, Starting at Chevron
- RELEASE: Despite Chevron’s Legal Challenge, Shareholder Resolution on Economic Risks of Climate Change Going to Vote
- A New Study Urges Leaving Fossil Fuels in the Ground. How Will It Affect Business?